
Employer Services
Job Seeker Services
Workshop Schedules
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Below is a list of job search workshops, which are offered at the Troy Career Center on a regularly scheduled basis. Each class is approximately two hours with the exception of the Resume Writing class which is two sessions for two hours each. Classes may be taken as often as desired. Enrollment is on a first come / first serve basis. Participants sign up for workshops by completing a Workshop Registration Form at our center.


Workshop Titles & Descriptions


Introduction into the Michigan Talent Bank:  In this class you will learn about creating a Word document resume and how to email it for potential positions.  You will also learn about the Michigan Talent Bank and how to use it to your advantage.


Job Search Strategies & Networking:  This class offers key pointers for finding a job.  An overview of the major channels for locating job openings is outlined with networking defined as one primary focus.  Informational interviews are described as an important technique.


Online Networking & Online Job Seeking Tips:  In this class specific steps are described to assist the attendee in how to use different online networking sites like Linked-In along with the proper online job seeking tools to get your resume out and see the best results.


Careers in Merchant Services:  The Troy Michigan area is a hotbed of financial services and payment processing technology companies. Career and Sales Job Services such as this one and here provide information on how the industry works and how to grow a prosperous career.


The Power of Staying Positive in your Job Search:  The importance of staying focused and positive in your job search.  The workshop explores how negativity is a hindrance to finding your next job, and provides strategies for turning negativity around to improve your chances of success.  The effects of stress and coping mechanisms to deal with it are also discussed.


Job Search Forum - Helping you keep your job search on track:  This is a weekly chat session to get your questions answered and to discuss your good and bad results of your job search.


Resume Writing:  This two session class reviews the importance of having a resume, the key sections of a resume, and how to make it effectively communicate your special skills and talents.  An overview of cover letters and electronic resumes is also included.  Participants' personal resumes receive a class critique for a finished product.


Interview Skills:  Basic techniques for effective interviewing are covered in this workshop.  An overview for responding to traditional vs. behavioral types of questions, as well as good verbal and non-verbal behavior is presented.  Practice among the participants is part of the class schedule.


Mock Interviews:  In this class you will have the ability to practice what you have learned to understand the importance of these new skills.  This class will also be the first step to help an individual become more comfortable in an interview.


Steps for Making a Career Change:  In this class specific steps are described to assist the attendee in deciding whether to make a career change and how career change ideas can be implemented.  Discussion of the importance of career assessments, networking and focused research is held within the class lecture.


Green Jobs in a Green Economy:  In this workshop you will have the ability to understand what are green jobs, the future of the green economy, and where to find information on how you can fit into it.