
Employer Services
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Unemployment  Claims


New Careers in Michigan


Job Search 


Career and Salary Information


Education and Training   


Scholarships, Grants, Financial Aid


Specifically for Youths and Adults with Disabilities


Specifically for Youth


Credit Card Processor Companies


Hiring Credit Card Processor Companies

Credit Counseling and Debt Management


More Useful Sites

Unemployment Claims

State of Michigan -  help with your unemployment questions or  filing your unemployment claim on line. 

New Careers in Michigan

Finding a new career in Michigan

Keep Michigan Working

Over 8,900 New Jobs Planned for Michigan

New Jobs on Michigan Talent Bank

Job Search

Job Fairs - Job and Career Fairs, Michigan Job Fair Calendar

Jobs in Troy School District

Jobs in Oakland County Public Schools

Jobs in Oakland County Businesses

Jobs in Oakland County Government 

Stay-At-Home Mothers Who Want To Return To Work

FINDJOBSNET.COM a resource to jobs in multiple occupations .

Jobs in the manufacturing sector with links to GetTech, which offers a wealth of info on exciting careers that use math and science.

Tac Automotive - Job bank for technical jobs in the automotive industry 

Veterans' Employment Services - Whether your decision is to build on your past military experience and training or pursue a completely new career opportunity, this site help you

Observer-Eccentric - Employment classifieds 

- guidance, training, and straight talk about self employment, franchising, and business opportunities, with no obligation.

Chicago Jobs - Interested in relocating to Chicago? 

Job Source Network - Mega site with links to job, companies, associations, newspapers, colleges universities, etc. 

America's Career Info Net - This is a mega site that links to America's Job Bank and America's Service Locator. Includes: Financial Aid Advisor, Career Explorer, Job Description Writer, Employer Locator, Licensed Occupations, and Employability Check-up. 

- A website for executive job search designed by executives.

True Careers - A  listing of employers who are hiring. 

Automotive Suppliers - If you click on the "suppliers" button on the first page, it brings up an alphabetical list of automotive suppliers around the nation (but most, of course, are here in the area) and links you to their contact info. It could be very useful to those who are looking at Tier 1 & 2 suppliers for jobs.

Jewish Vocational Services specializes in job placement and career counseling for displaced homemakers.

General information about potential employers can be found using this Employer Search. This search will not provide you with job listings, but it will give you contact information for individual employers.

Career and Salary Information

Oakland University Career Services:  If you click on "Employer Websites" there is an alphabetical listing of companies with their websites. "Salary Statistics" gives you 11 different salary links, and the "researching companies" link gives 10 different links to do company research. The box for behavioral interviewing has some wonderful materials with frequently asked behavioral interview questions. Anyone can access this information, you do not need to log in or be a student/alumni.

Salary information on base pay, salary ranges and total compensation packages.  

Career & Apprenticeship Information  -
 Search for reports on over 400 occupations that contain information about job duties, salaries/wages, education or training requirements, employment outlook, career ladder, related occupations and much more

Future step  is particularly valuable to mid- and senior-level executives.  Requires registration (personality test, employment history, and 24 hours later, you can view a personal earnings estimate of your worth in the current job market.

Dow Jones & Co. - articles on negotiating salary and other helpful career advice. 

Kforce  is mainly for technical occupations and provides comparative data on compensation amounts for specific jobs in cities nationwide.

Dice is another tech site which lists the salary averages for jobs based on levels of education and work experience.  To address the growing trend of freelance work, this site provides salary information for those who work on contract as well as for regular employees. 

America's Career Info Net - This is a mega site that links to America's Job Bank and America's Service Locator. Includes: Financial Aid Advisor, Career Explorer, Job Description Writer, Employer Locator, Licensed Occupations, & Employability Check-up. 

Career Perfect - Excellent career development and outplacement site.

- Salary Survey Data online 

Job searching tips

Michigan Career Portal - Smart career and business decisions start here! This site is a bridge to state and national employment, career, education, training, and business resources and services.

- Explore career options and be in demand by knowing about high growth jobs with better wages and a brighter future.

Education and Training 

Michigan Careers, Colleges & Training   Here you can search for reports on over 400 occupations that contain information about job duties, salaries/wages, education or training requirements, employment outlook, career ladder, related occupations and much more. Simply click on a menu item, select a job title from the drop-down list and click on "Go."  You may also review New and Emerging Occupations, click "here".

- Lots of information on career training and education.

GED/Adult Ed - A list of Oakland County GED programs including contact and other helpful information.

Commissions & Sales in Payment Processing Industry -  Resources and information about merchant service sales, cash advantage agent programs, and portfolio sales program.

Adult Learning -

Job Source Network - Another mega site with links to job, companies, associations, newspapers, colleges and universities, etc.

Operation ABLE - Specializing in training and job placement services for older workers.

Labor Market Information - Information links on new and emerging occupations, education, training, and life long learning. 

Scholarships, Grants and Financial Aid

Financial Aid - Information on the Hope and Lifetime Learning income tax credit, Pell application, and U.S. Department of Education student aid programs.

Financial Aid - The smart students guide to financial aid information

Financial Aid - Information for students on financial aid

Information on Student Aid 

Apply for Federal Financial Aid On Line

- Information on cash for college students

College and Scholarship Search

Scholarships - Free web site to search for scholarships nationwide 

Help for Veterans - Information on scholarships, grants, etc. for veterans.

America's Career Info Net - This is a mega site that links to America's Job Bank and America's Service Locator.  It includes links to:  Financial Aid Advisor, Career Explorer, Job Description Writer, Employer Locator, Licensed Occupations, and Employability Check-up. 

Department of Veteran's Affairs

College Board
- Online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background.

- A comprehensive and heavily traveled education resource on the Internet. 

Tuition Assistance - Online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background.

Youth and Adults with Disabilities

State of Michigan Career Portal offering information on job training and placement services. 

State of Michigan- On these pages you will find the services and programs for people with disabilities offered by the State of Michigan as well as other sites of interest. Whether you're looking for assistance in finding a job, want to learn about the latest assistive technology, or have a question about your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you will find it here.

Developmental Disabilities Institute is a Wayne State program offering educational information and support to individuals, professionals, paraprofessionals, parents and persons with disabilities.

contains several key "hubs" that will unite the disability community on everything from Policy Education to opportunities to participate in online learning courses.  This is a comprehensive database of local, state, and national sources that contain current information relevant to the employment of people with disabilities.

Hope Network - Serving adults with disabilities throughout Michigan, this site offers a range of vocational services to assist persons with barriers to employment gain work experience and ultimately to obtain permanent employment. Services include paid work in a factory setting, job exploration and job seeking skills training, vocational counseling, and math and reading tutoring. For more information, call (800) 695-4843.  

provides employment related services to youth and adults with qualifying disabilities.

Goodwill Industries International is a network of 207 community-based, autonomous member organizations that serves people with workplace disadvantages and disabilities by providing job training and employment services, as well as job placement opportunities and post-employment support.

Hire Deaf - Job postings for organizations working with hearing impaired populations.

One Stop for Free Assistive Technology - This is a website loaded with a wealth of assistive technology software available for free download.

Youth Specific

American Youth Policy Forum - This website provides links to other youth related websites for education, employment, and workforce preparation.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters 


National Youth Employment Coalition

Family Youth Interventions

Common Ground Sanctuary - Help for run-away and troubled youth.

Oakland County Youth Assistance provides services and referrals for troubled youth.

Credit Card Processor Companies

High Risk Charge Hiring Credit Card Processor that specializes in High Risk Merchants

Credit Processors Inc Comparison company that is seeking to higher additional sales reps.

Merchant Service Advisor Service Advisor for the Merchant Service Industry

Bankcard Processing Reviews Compare Service Providers for Merchant Services

Vape Store Merchants Offers Smoke Shops and Vape Stores Merchant Services

Cheap Merchants Listings of credit card processor companies

Travel Merchant Service Travel Industry Services Providers

Patriot Merchants Info Patriot Bankcard Based in Michigan, is a credit card processing network

Get Business Advance Helps Businesses with Funding and Working Capital

EXS Merchant Services Service Provider for the Timeshares Industry

Merchant Mentors Consulting Service Provider that is hiring Sales Agents

Credit Counseling and Debt Management

Helpful information on how to get out of debt.  If you are having trouble paying your bills, getting dunning notices from creditors,  worried about losing your home or your car, or your accounts are being turned over to debt collectors, this web site can help.

Federal Trade Commission publication providing consumer information on credit counseling agencies and debt management services.  Make sure you understand the ins and out so you don't exorbitant or unnecessary fees.

FTC, IRS, and State Regulators Urge Care When Seeking Help from Credit Counseling Organizations.  Learn questions to ask and how to find out about scams.

FTC Files Lawsuit Against AmeriDebt

National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) - "The NFCC, through its Member agencies, sets the national standard for quality credit counseling, debt reduction services and education for financial wellness." This site explains services and helps you find an NFCC member location near you.  Use their Member Agency Locator, or call: 1-800-388-2227 for 24-hour automated office listings.

- Abusive Practices in Credit Counseling Report" prepared by the Majority and Minority Staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

Other Useful Sites

Michigan Newspapers and Other Useful Links to Michigan Sources

Used and retail car prices

US Department of Labor Pension & Welfare Benefits Administration    

Service Corps of Retired Executives provides help for people trying to start their own business.   

Working America - A community Affiliate of the AFL-CIO, this is a great site to get information on unemployment, money management while unemployed, how to survive unemployment, and tracking which companies are shipping jobs oversees.  You do not have to join to access the information.  Just click on the link offering information on unemployment or other areas of interest. 

Student and parent resources for colleges, careers, jobs, and labor market information.

Careers - Job Seeker resources including jobs, tool kits, and labor market information.

Tools You Can Use - In your journey of career preparation and development, you will eventually run into barriers that could keep you from reaching your goals. The following resources offer assistance in overcoming some of the common obstacles to achieving success in any endeavor.

-  Dedicated to employment and training opportunities for vets.

Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth provides information on and links  to information on employment, labor market information, training opportunities and other state programs.