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No Worker Left Behind
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No Worker Left Behind

On-Line Registration


Please take a moment to CAREFULLY read through the following information before you sign up for a NWLB Orientation.

There is currently a large demand for the No Worker Left Behind Program. If you are unable to secure an orientation date at Michigan Works! A small $5 fee is required for the registration and can be paid online here or pay by echeck here. Troy, the No Worker Left Behind Program is available at Michigan Works! offices throughout the State of Michigan. A list of Michigan Works! offices can be found at: or call 1-800-285- WORKS.

The No Worker Left Behind Program in Oakland County has no residency requirements.

What is No Worker Left Behind (NWLB)?

NWLB is Governor Granholm’s vision for accelerating the transition of thousands of workers into good-paying jobs by providing up to two years of free tuition in any approved program at any community college, university or other approved training provider.  Enabling workers to acquire the skills necessary to succeed in the fast-changing global economy of the 21st century is central to Michigan’s strategy for economic transformation.

 Who qualifies for NWLB?

 Adults who are 18 and older and can document their status as US citizens or eligible non-citizens, and

§         Are currently unemployed, or

§         Have received a lay-off or termination notice, or

§         If employed, have a family income of $40,000 or less. 

 Note:  18-23 year olds have additional eligibility criteria.  Individuals who have graduated high school in the last two years may already qualify for the Michigan Promise.  More information on Michigan Promise is available at

  If I qualify for NWLB, am I entitled to the free tuition?

 No Worker Left Behind is not an entitlement program.  All interested persons who meet the eligibility criteria will be given assessments to see if they have the aptitude, skills and ability to: 

§         pursue and successfully complete an associate’s degree or occupational certificate in a high-demand occupation, emerging industry, or entrepreneurship program, and

§         secure and maintain employment in Michigan at a living wage in the area for which trained. 

Assessment is a process that involves testing, employer and occupational research, and a demonstration of commitment by the applicant to the goals and requirements of the program.  Personal accountability and compliance with program parameters will also be taken into account when determining whether or not an individual is enrolled in NWLB.  

 If I am enrolled into NWLB, how much free tuition can I get and what programs qualify?

Tuition covers up to $5,000 per year for two years, for a total of $10,000 per person.  It covers tuition or instruction costs, books, materials, fees and academic supportive services.  Participants may pursue an associate’s degree, occupational certificate, bachelor’s degree completion or master’s programs as long as two years or less of training is needed, it is occupational focused, and will lead to a job in  a high demand sector, emerging sector or entrepreneurial endeavor.

In determining how much free tuition will be funded for each participant, Michigan Works! and training providers are required to first leverage federal and state financial aid grant resources, such as Pell, and other existing resources.  If a participant is eligible for educational benefits from a current employer or as part of a buy-out from a previous employer, those funds will be incorporated into the individual’s overall financial plan.

 Important Notes to read before registering! 

§         Approved Oakland County Occupations for Training – click here

·        This list does not mean guaranteed training and is subject to change.

§         Approved vendors for training can be viewed at

§         Selective Admissions Programs Only – NWLB funds may not be used to pay for pre-requisites.

·        NWLB funding can only be used for training once an individual is actually accepted into a Selective Admissions program.  Do not register for a NWLB orientation any sooner than six months before the actual start date of you selective admissions program.

 How do I apply?

To begin the NWLB online registration process, please click on the link below and complete the following:

  1. Sign up for one of the dates listed. Note: 150 - 200 people are signed up each month. If you receive a message that all dates are full, please continue to check our website for future available dates.


  1. Once you have reserved an orientation date, please print your confirmation page and report in person to Michigan Works! Troy to complete your registration at least one week prior to your orientation date to secure your online registration.  Failure to report one week prior will result in your reservation being dropped.


  1. When you report in person at least one week prior to your orientation date, you will have to enter or call up your Michigan Talent Bank (MTB) Resume and print a copy for a certification stamp.  You will also receive important instructions regarding the orientation.  YOUR STAMPED MTB RESUME IS REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO THE ORIENTATION.


  1. The orientation will consist of: 

    NWLB Orientation Part 1:                                                      8:30 - 12:00

    Lunch on your own:                                                               12:00 - 1:00

    NWLB Orientation Part 2 (Career Management):                    1:30 - 4:00 


  2. Due to the high demand for the program we are currently booking sessions to full capacity, therefore we are not able to reschedule individuals who fail to appear on their scheduled orientation date.  To secure another orientation date, you will need to complete the online registration process again.


*Online Registration consists of signing up for a future orientation date.

*Registration is limited to one session per person.

*This is the process for Michigan Works! Troy only.


Registration for the No Worker Left Behind Program has been filled for

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009.


Online Registration will be available again on

Thursday, October 29th, 2009 at 8:00 a.m.