
Employer Services
Job Seeker Services
Workshop Schedules
Labor Market Info
Useful Links
No Worker Left Behind
Trade Program (TAA)







Michigan Works Troy! Job Seeker Services


Guidelines for Center Usage

Failure to comply with any of the following guidelines may result in the immediate termination of any or all of your privileges including access to the Center.

bulletBooks and materials are property of Michigan Works! Troy and are not to be removed from the Center.
bulletCenter resources, materials, and computers are for job search only.
bulletCopies are limited to 10 copies per person per day.
bulletNo inappropriate language or aggressive behaviors.
bulletNo cell phone usage in the Center.
bulletNo solicitation for any purpose.
bulletNo adult/pornographic materials.
bulletNo food or beverages in the Center.
bulletBe polite, respectful, and considerate of all others at all times.


Career Resources

If you are unemployed or just want a new job, our Resource Center can facilitate your job search.  We offer a fax machine, photocopier, computers and career resource materials including up-to-date resources on interviewing, schools, companies, resume writing, and much, much more!  If you don't have access to a computer or fax, use ours.  It's one of many complimentary services.

Hiring Companies

There are many companies and small business in the troy michigan region who are actively looking for sales professionals looking for a career in bankcard services. Many of them have reached out to us in the past including Merchant Bankcard, Merchant Account LLC and Advantage Funding.


Resource Room

The Resource Room is a place where job seekers can conduct career exploration or job searches.  Everyone is invited to make use of the Resource Room free of charge, regardless of residency or employment status.

Our resources are designed for job seekers to work independently and proactively.  We offer self-serve information and resources requiring little or no staff assistance.  If more intensive, one-on-one services are required, please let us know so that we can help you.

Employers occasionally make use of our center by recruiting and interviewing on site.


*Library Materials

To assist job seekers' with a job search, our Resource Room has an extensive collection of library references and resource materials including labor market information, resume & cover letter composition books, interviewing skills materials, job descriptions & leads, business directories, financial assistance information, college catalogs, Veterans' services, etc.

*Reference materials cannot be checked out and must remain in the Resource Room.


Job Postings

The Resource Room has several sources for job openings.

bulletGreen-Covered Job Posting Binders

            Classifications:  Technical, Medical, Personal Care, Corporate, Customer Service/Clerical, Skilled Trades/General Labor and Miscellaneous

bulletWhite-Covered Job Posting Binders

            Classifications:  State of Michigan, Oakland County and surrounding cities

bulletNewspapers & Publications

            Includes The Oakland press, The Wall Street Journal, Detroit Free Press, The Daily Tribune, Crain's Detroit Business, Automotive News and various magazines


*Computer Lab

The Computer Lab is available to job seekers to assist those who do not have a computer, Internet access or a printer.  The Computer Lab provides a good environment to conduct a job search, take assessments, learn or brush up on your Microsoft programs, and more.

The Computer Lab includes access to:

bulletCareer Search Programs (MOIS, MI-CAR, O*NET Work Importance & Interest Profiler, etc.)
bulletInternet with bookmarked career sites
bulletMicrosoft Office (MS Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel & Outlook)
bulletLearnKey tutorial software (MS Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel & Outlook)

*The Computer Lab closes at 4:10 p.m.

Please let us know if any accommodations are necessary to effectively conduct a job search.


The Michigan Talent Bank ( )

The Michigan Talent Bank (MTB) is an electronic resume bank that allows job seekers to enter their resumes into a database and search job postings via the Internet.

All users of the Center are required to register in the Michigan Talent Bank.

Employers can register, post positions and search the MTB for qualified job candidates.  We encourage job seekers to update their MTB resume at least every 30 days so employers can find their information, review qualifications and contact them, if they are interested.  Click on the Quick Update box to quickly update your resume for employer activity.


Career Workshops

Our Career Workshops are FREE OF CHARGE!  Each class is approximately two hours with the exception of the Resume Writing class which is two sessions for two hours each.  Classes may be taken as often as desired.  Enrollment is on a first come/first serve basis.  Participants sign up for workshops by completing a Workshop Registration Form at our Center.

Career Workshop topics include:

bulletIntroduction to the Michigan Talent Bank
bulletJob Search Strategies & Networking
bulletOnline Networking & Online Job Seeking Tips
bulletThe Power of Staying Positive in your Job Search
bullet*Job Search Forum - Helping you Keep your Job Search on Track
bulletResume Writing I & II
bulletInterview Skills & Salary Negotiations
bulletMock Interview
bulletSteps for Making a Career Change
bulletGreen Jobs in a Green Economy

*Registration is not necessary to attend the Job Search Forum Workshop.

For more information on our Career Workshops, click on the Workshops & Workshop Schedules tabs on the top left hand side of this page.


Intensive Services

One-on-one, staff-assisted services include career counseling, testing & assessment, career planning, resume writing and facilitated job search.



Tuition assistance is available through the No Worker Left Behind program.  The program is Governor Granholm's vision for accelerating the transition of thousands of workers into good-paying jobs by providing up to two years worth of free tuition at a Michigan community college, university, or other approved training provider to gain the skills and credentials for new careers in high-demand occupations and emerging industries.

For more information on training, click on the No Worker Left Behind tab on the top left hand side of this page.


One-Stop Access to State & Federal Programs

As a Michigan Works! One-Stop, we can provide information and referrals to a number of other programs and services funded by the Oakland County Workforce Development Board and the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth.