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 Career Resources

If you are unemployed or just want a new job, our Resource Center can facilitate your job search.  We offer fax machines, copiers, computers and career resource materials including up-to-date resources on interviewing, schools, companies, resume writing, and much, much more!  If you don’t have access to a computer or fax, use ours. It’s one of many complimentary services.

 Unemployment Registration

When you file a claim for unemployment benefits, you are required to report to a Michigan Works! center, such as ours, to register your resume on the Michigan Talent BankEven if you input this information from your home or library, you must still report to have this process certified.

*Job Placement Assistance

Individualized assistance with resumes, interviewing techniques, labor market information, and job leads.  Post your resume and view job orders in Michigan’s Talent and Job Banks.

*Hiring Companies

Talk to one of our hiring companies and see if there is a fit between you and the employer. Hiring companies include PrWest Vacations, CC Processer USA and Best Business Funding.

*Testing and Assessment

Match your personality, interests, aptitudes and knowledge with jobs that draw upon your strengths.

*Training Funds

 Tuition assistance to help you upgrade or gain new skills.

*Some restrictions may apply